Jun 01 2009

This is your wiki's blog first post. Its goal is to provide a short description of your blog's main features.

  • You can create new blog posts through the input field located on your Blog's homepage. The status of a blog post may be any one of the following:
    • Unpublished: your post is still a draft. It can be seen by its creator and by administrators. Once you have clicked publish, you cannot unpublish a post. However, you can choose to hide it.
    • Published: your post can be read by every user that has access to your blog.
    • Published & hidden: your post is published but only its creator and admins can see it. This is useful if you need to make modifications on a post that has already been published by mistake.
  • Every blog article can be tagged and/or categorized:
    • You will be able to browse posts by category using the panel located on the left of the page
    • You can create new categories and subcategories when creating a new post
    • The use of tags allows your article to be found by browsing your wiki's tags, along with any other wiki document
  • Blog-specific panels are available on the left of your blog page:
    • The recent posts lists the most recent entries to any visitor of the blog
    • The unpublished panel lists the blog posts you created, but didn't yet publish
    • The categories panel lets you browse blog posts listed by category and subcategory
    • The archive panel lets you browse blog posts by publication date

Happy blogging!

Created by Marcel Heckel on 2009/03/11 14:58

Tag Cloud

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select list3_.XWL_VALUE as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ cross join xwikilists dbstringli2_ inner join xwikiproperties dbstringli2_1_ on dbstringli2_.XWL_ID=dbstringli2_1_.XWP_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME=dbstringli2_1_.XWP_NAME, xwikilistitems list3_ where dbstringli2_.XWL_ID=list3_.XWL_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME=list3_.XWL_NAME and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN<>1 or xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN is null) and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='XWiki.TagClass' and baseobject1_.XWO_ID=dbstringli2_.XWL_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME='tags' [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.
Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ cross join xwikiintegers integerpro2_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro2_1_ on integerpro2_.XWI_ID=integerpro2_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME=integerpro2_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikiintegers integerpro3_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro3_1_ on integerpro3_.XWI_ID=integerpro3_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME=integerpro3_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikidates dateproper4_ inner join xwikiproperties dateproper4_1_ on dateproper4_.XWS_ID=dateproper4_1_.XWP_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME=dateproper4_1_.XWP_NAME where xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME<>'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='Blog.BlogPostClass' and dateproper4_.XWS_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME='publishDate' and integerpro2_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME='published' and integerpro3_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME='hidden' and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_CREATOR='XWiki.XWikiGuest' or integerpro2_.XWI_VALUE=1 and integerpro3_.XWI_VALUE=0) and integerpro2_.XWI_VALUE=1 and integerpro3_.XWI_VALUE<>1 order by dateproper4_.XWS_VALUE desc limit ? [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.
Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ cross join xwikiintegers integerpro2_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro2_1_ on integerpro2_.XWI_ID=integerpro2_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME=integerpro2_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikiintegers integerpro3_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro3_1_ on integerpro3_.XWI_ID=integerpro3_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME=integerpro3_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikidates dateproper4_ inner join xwikiproperties dateproper4_1_ on dateproper4_.XWS_ID=dateproper4_1_.XWP_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME=dateproper4_1_.XWP_NAME where xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME<>'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='Blog.BlogPostClass' and dateproper4_.XWS_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME='publishDate' and integerpro2_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME='published' and integerpro3_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME='hidden' and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_CREATOR='XWiki.XWikiGuest' or integerpro2_.XWI_VALUE=1 and integerpro3_.XWI_VALUE=0) and integerpro2_.XWI_VALUE=0 order by dateproper4_.XWS_VALUE desc limit ? [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.
Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ where xwikidocum0_.XWD_WEB='Blog' and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='Blog.CategoryClass' order by xwikidocum0_.XWD_NAME [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.
Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ cross join xwikiintegers integerpro2_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro2_1_ on integerpro2_.XWI_ID=integerpro2_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME=integerpro2_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikiintegers integerpro3_ inner join xwikiproperties integerpro3_1_ on integerpro3_.XWI_ID=integerpro3_1_.XWP_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME=integerpro3_1_.XWP_NAME cross join xwikidates dateproper4_ inner join xwikiproperties dateproper4_1_ on dateproper4_.XWS_ID=dateproper4_1_.XWP_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME=dateproper4_1_.XWP_NAME where xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME<>'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='Blog.BlogPostClass' and dateproper4_.XWS_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and dateproper4_.XWS_NAME='publishDate' and integerpro2_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro2_.XWI_NAME='published' and integerpro3_.XWI_ID=baseobject1_.XWO_ID and integerpro3_.XWI_NAME='hidden' and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_CREATOR='XWiki.XWikiGuest' or integerpro2_.XWI_VALUE=1 and integerpro3_.XWI_VALUE=0) and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_WEB=? or xwikidocum0_.XWD_PARENT=?) order by extract(year from dateproper4_.XWS_VALUE) limit ? [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.