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RAWFIE (Road-, Air-, and Water- based Future Internet Experimentation) is a project funded by the European Commission (Horizon H2020 programme) under the Future Internet Research Experimentation (FIRE+) initiative that aims at providing research facilities for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The project introduces a unique platform across the space and technology by integrating numerous test beds of unmanned vehicles for research experimentation in vehicular, aerial and maritime environments. The platform will support experimenters with smart tools to conduct and monitor experiments in the domains of IoT, networking, sensing and satellite navigation. The project that is bringing together thirteen partner organizations from eight EU countries will organize two open calls to attract researchers from academia and industry, test bed operators and unmanned vehicles manufacturers.




This project is funded by the European Commission (FIRE+ challenge, Horizon 2020) that aims to provide research and experimentation facilities through the growing domain of unmanned networked devices.

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Created by Marcel Heckel on 2009/09/09 02:00

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