Resource Explorer

Last modified by Marcel Heckel on 2017/01/25 13:59

Via the Resource Explorer Tool, the experimenter can discover and select available testbeds as
well as resources inside a Testbed that she/he will utilize to build future experiments

Overview Page

The overview page show a summary of all testbesd with their resources/UxVs

Testbed Page

The page shows the details of the selected testbed

UxV Page

This page shows the deatil of the selected resource/UxV


Resource Explorer - Overview Page

Resource Exporer - Overview Page



Resource Explorer - Testbad Page

Resource Exporer - Testbad Page



Resource Explorer - UxV Page

Resource Exporer - UxV Page



Created by efsef Aa on 2017/01/25 11:01

Tag Cloud

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Timeout trying to lock table "XWIKIDOC"; SQL statement: select list3_.XWL_VALUE as col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ cross join xwikiobjects baseobject1_ cross join xwikilists dbstringli2_ inner join xwikiproperties dbstringli2_1_ on dbstringli2_.XWL_ID=dbstringli2_1_.XWP_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME=dbstringli2_1_.XWP_NAME, xwikilistitems list3_ where dbstringli2_.XWL_ID=list3_.XWL_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME=list3_.XWL_NAME and (xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN<>1 or xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN is null) and baseobject1_.XWO_NAME=xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME and baseobject1_.XWO_CLASSNAME='XWiki.TagClass' and baseobject1_.XWO_ID=dbstringli2_.XWL_ID and dbstringli2_.XWL_NAME='tags' [50200-176]]. Click on this message for details.